Tuesday, February 1, 2011

First post

Well, here I am writing my first blog post.  Over and over I tried to get cool names and they were taken.  Then, while listening to San Francico's Tuesday Noon Siren test of the Outdoor Warning System, this name came to me.  But it doesn't only represent the sound of far off explosions (eeeeek), but also the beginnings of thoughts and ideas, the distant rumblings where things begin, far across the ocean, or deep in our past.

Sometimes these posts will be my thoughts, sometimes stories I'm working on.  Sometimes they will be funny, sometimes they will be...hilarious!  Can't you tell by the name distant booms?  I think I will start with recollection of my childhood.  Everyone loves those.


  1. I like this post! For one thing, it's short. And it's informative and funny and has you written all over it. Or... maybe it's the other way around?

    Anyway, this is awesome!!! I love it. If you get a big enough readership this could be a great forum for you. Just remember though that anyone who finds this blog could take stuff, so one option is to make it private and only allow invited readers with passwords. Let me know if you have any questions!

    Love you!

  2. dude, I just commented, and it totally deleted it before publishing.

    the gist of it was: "awesome. more. cool."

    very glad you're doing this.
